What is the secret ingredient in IM?
Picture a clock and imagine opening it up and looking at all the gears rotating in unison. Like a clock, your brain is an amazing machine that controls every function using precise TIMING, and is used in virtually everything we do.

Interactive Metronome® is a patented, unique, evidence-based assessment and training tool that challenges thinking and movement simultaneously, providing real-time millisecond feedback to help synchronize the body’s “internal clock.” It therefore improves TIMING, RHYTHM and SYNCHRONIZATION in the brain. When your brain’s functional networks are working efficiently the neurons are able to fire more often and in sync.
IM is therefore improves the CONNECTION between the body and the brain
TIMING = the bridge between sensory processing, registering information and executive functioning!
IM provides an objective method for measuring difficulties and for tracking improvement. It is the only training program that improves timing in the brain in an organized, systematic, flexible and engaging format.

Timing in the brain is important for:
- Attention
- Executive functioning (problem solving, organizing, planning etc)
- Processing speed
- Speech and language skills
- Social skills
- Working memory
- Reading and other academic skills
- Motor control and coordination
- Sensory processing and integration
When executing the IM, the following 5 neurological functions are exercised at the same time:
- Controlled attention and concentration
- Working memory
- Sensory integration (loading the systems)
- Motor planning and sequencing for coordination and functional motor control
- Synchronization and timing in multiple brain regions for neural efficiency and performance
Structure of IM sessions:
For the best results, the IM is carried out in what is known as ‘block therapy’ as it is a short term intensive therapy. It may be carried out on a longer term weekly basis, however progress will be slower. ‘Block therapy may be repeated to target different skills as development occurs. IM is carried out as follows:
- A 45 minute or 1 hour session is done 2-3 times per week
- A total of 12-15 sessions per block are carried out
- A pre and post test score is provided on a daily basis as well as well as the start and end of the sessions, to show improvements made
Phases of treatment:
IM is structured in different sequential phases. The time spent in each phase is dependent on each individual
- Learn the reference tone
- Learn the guide sounds
- Develop basic timing
- Generalized rhythm and timing skills
Research: “IM directly promotes neural efficiency with bilateral activation of multiple parts of the neuro-network. Repetitive auditory-motor training (IM) holds promise for neuroplasticity of higher and lower brain centers” (Alpiner (2004)

The information and pictures have been taken from the Interactive Metronome website.
For more information please visit interactivemetronome.com / www.imhome.org or email us on occupationaltherapy@hope-studio.co.za