Developmental support for parents and babies (both full term and premature)

The therapists are able to provide a variety of services both in-hospital as well as once discharged.
NICU and Peadiatric ward support:
- Environmental, physical and sensory structuring of the premature infant in order to promote growth and reduce stressors
- Parental guidance & support regarding handling their premature or at risk child
- Parental workshops regarding bonding, what to expect from a premature child, basic handling, current and future development, what to expect on discharge etc.
- Staff training if and when required
- At Hope Studio, we provide support for parents who have learnt that their child may have developmental, social, cognitive, physical or learning difficulties due to a variety of diagnoses.
- Team work between the parents, therapists and medical doctor is essential and encouraged.
- We are able to provide therapy in the ward for any infant/ child who may require a prolonged stay. Therapy will aim to improve as well as maintain current and/ or age appropriate developmental milestones
This is based on the Little Steps Neurodevelopmental Supportive Care training.
In the first year of baby’s life:
- Follow up at 1 week post discharge. This can either be a home visit or for a session at the rooms and is for a premature or at risk baby.
- Developmental screening at 4 months, 8 months and 12 months corrected age post discharge. This will be adjusted according to the child’s individual needs.
- Full Occupational, Speech and Physiotherapy developmental assessments as required at any age or stage in the child’s development.
- Occupational, Speech or Physiotherapy for developmental, congenital, neurological and genetic disorders as necessary.
- The practice is able to instruct parents with regards to baby massage.
The therapists consider all aspects of a child’s development as important and therefore will evaluate– physical, social, speech and communication, feeding and sleeping routines, bonding, attainment of milestones and the development of independence.